About Us

Aim & Vision

We all know that mid-scale and bigger organizations can manage their things very easy. But what about small-scale businesses?. So we help all type of businesses, specially small-scale by consulting them with the precise and pocket friendly solutions. Our vision always remains to help and guide these small-scale businesses. our aim will always reside to focus on the customer's need.

Founding of the company

The name Happy Programmers was founded back in 2013. It was a thought, that programmers should be happy and then program so they could give their best and company/organization could get high productivity. Being an individual, our founder wanted to bring this revolution so that no employee(specially programmers) should be stressed due to their work. So this company was founded and registered in Oct 2017, though it is providing it's services since 2015. Our founder also believes that we should always help each other, and so being into in development field, it was decided that this organization will also have a Open Source section for giving the things back to the society and helping other developers too with our great ideas or contributing to some great open source projects.

Working Environment

Fullfilling the primary goal, stressless workplace. We maintain the culture by making our employee feel like a family member. Bout our customers, we follow Agile methodology for all our works within organization. It really makes the process of delivering services very smooth and hassle free. Following the best coding and testing practices, we try to delivery the services within time or on-time.

Fun & Learn

As we also mentioned our working culture, we believe in making the work environment a learning place with lots of fun. This thought leads us to 4 days dedicated working ( i.e. Monday to Thursday) and 1 day learning & fun for personal growth of the team members.

Just a small initiative to increase the productivity